Sophie’s Studio Dance In Education
Curriculum Dance (Reception to Yr 6), Breakfast Clubs and/or After School Clubs
Having rewritten the National Curriculum for Dance Key Stage One and Two this year, Sophie now teaches dance as part of Primary Schools PE syllabus.
Understanding that dance is a very specific discipline to teach, Sophie is able to deliver dance lessons for schools condensing a professional understanding of dance in to classes for young minds.
Sophie also delivers dance classes as Breakfast Clubs and After School Clubs. Extra curricular clubs see dance taught with a slightly more relaxed and fun approach.
To date Sophie has taught students from:
St Robert Southwell Primary School
Kingslea Primary School
St Mary's Primary School
Southwater Infant Academy
Southwater Junior Academy
Arunside Primary School
Greenway Academy
St Andrews Primary of Nuthurst
Horsham District Council Sports Activity Days
The College of Richard Collyer